Home Service Selected artistic and theoretical sources

Selected artistic and theoretical sources

Assmann, Aleida. History, Memory, and the Genre of Testimony. In: Poetics Today 27, no. 2 (2006): 261–273.

Baloji, Sammy. Essay on Urban Planning. Photo essay on urban planning from 1910 to present day city of Lubumbashi (2013); and Mémoire. Series of digital photographs (2006).

Bastel, Heribert et al. Holocaust education in Austria: A (hi)story of complexity and ambivalence. In: Prospects 40 (2010): 57–73.

Beckermann, Ruth. East of War. Feature documentary film and diary entries, 1996.

Beckermann, Ruth. The Waldheim Waltz. Film, 2018.

Benčić, Branka. Double Exposure – a Collision of Past and Present. In: Double Exposure – A Collision of Past and Present, Reading a Project, by Jelena Juresa “Mira, Study for a Portrait”, Ed. Sandro Drochl, Graz: Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien (2015). Exh. Cat. at Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz, 31.01.–05.03.2015.

Berner, Margit. From »prisoner of war studies« to proof of paternity: Racial anthropologists and measuring the »others« in Austria. In: Blood and Homeland. Eugenics and racial nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe 1900–1940 (2007): 41-53.

Berner, Margit. Race and physical anthropology in interwar Austria. In: Focaal, no. 58 (2010): 16–31.

Bevernage, Berber. From Philosophy of History to Philosophy of Historicities: Some Ideas on a Potential Future of Historical Theory. In: BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review 127, no. 4 (2012): 113–120.

Bevernage, Berber. History, Memory, and State-Sponsored Violence. Time and Justice. London: Routledge (2012).

Bischof, Günter. Victims? Perpetrators? »Punching Bags« of European Historical Memory? The Austrians and Their World War II Legacies. In: German Studies Review (2004): 17–32.

Boast, Robin. Neocolonial Collaboration: Museum as contact zone revisited. In: Museum Anthropology 34, no. 1 (2011): 56-70.

Bunzl, John. Austrian identity and antisemitism. In: Patterns of Prejudice, 21:1, (1987): 3–8.

Burns, Lorna, and Birgit M. Kaiser. Introduction: Navigating Differential Futures, (Un) making Colonial Pasts. In: Ibid. (ed.), Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze. London: Palgrave Macmillan (2012): 1–17.

Butler, Judith. Precarious Life. The powers of mourning and violence. London: Verso, 2004.

Butler, Judith. Giving an Account of Oneself. New York, NY: Fordham University Press, 2005.

Carter, Erica. Sissi the Terrible: Melodrama, Victimhood, and Imperial Nostalgia in the Sissi Trilogy. In: Paul Cooke and Marc Silberman (ed.), Screening War: Perspectives on German Suffering. Rochester, NY: Camden House (2010): 81-101.

Ceuppens, Bambi, and Peter Geschiere. Autochthony: local or global? New modes in the struggle over citizenship and belonging in Africa and Europe. In: Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 34 (2005): 385–407.

Clifford, James. Museums as Contact Zones. In: James Clifford (ed.), Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1997), 188–219.

Craps, Stef. Postcolonial witnessing: Trauma out of bounds. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Demos, T. J. Return to the Postcolony. Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art. Amsterdam:

Stenberg, 2013.

De Witte, Ludo. The Assassination of Lumumba. New York and London: Verso, 2001.

Draaisma, Douwe. Forgetting. Myths, Perils and Compensations. Transl. Liz Waters. New Have: Yale University Press, 2015.

Essed, Philomena and Isabel Hoving, eds. Dutch Racism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014.

Farocki, Harun. Respite, film, 2007.

Felman, Shoshana. The return of the voice: Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah. In: Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub (eds.), Testimony: Crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis, and history. New York: Routledge, (1992): 204-83.

Fernandes, Leela. The politics of forgetting: Class politics, state power and the restructuring of urban space in India. In: Urban Studies 41.12 (2004): 2415–2430.

Foucault, Michel. Society must be defended: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975–1976. Mauro Bertani, Alessandro Fontana, and Francois Ewald (eds.). Trans. David Macey. New York: Picador, 1997.

Gilroy, Paul. After empire: melancholia or convivial culture? London: Routledge, 2004.

Gilroy, Paul. There ain’t no black in the Union Jack. London: Routledge, 2013.

Goddeeris, Idesbald and Sindani E. Kiangu. Congomania in Academia Recent Historical Research on the Belgian Colonial Past. In: Bijdragen en mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden 126(4), (2011): 54–74.

Gržinić, Marina and Šefik Tatlić. Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism: Historization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life. London: Lexington Books, 2014.

Gržinić, Marina (ed). Border Thinking Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence. Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, vol. 21, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2018.

Guenther, Christina. Cartographies of Identity: Memory and History in Ruth Beckermann’s Documentary Films. In: Robert Dassanowsky and Oliver C. Speck (eds.), New Austrian Film, New York: Berghahn (2011): 64–78.

Haraway, Donna. Teddy bear patriarchy: Taxidermy in the garden of Eden, New York City, 1908–1936. In: Social Text 11 (1984): 20–64.

Hayner, Priscilla B. Unspeakable Truths: Facing Challenge of Truth Commissions. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Hight, Eleanor M. and Sampson, Gary D. (eds.). Colonialist Photography: Imag(in)ing race and place. London: Routledge, 2013.

Huyssen, Andreas. Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2003.

Jaar, Alfredo. Real Pictures, installation, 1995.

Janz, Bruce B. Forget Deleuze. In: Lora Burns and Birgit M. Kaiser (eds.), Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze. Colonial Pasts, Differential Futures. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2012), 21–36.

Johnston-Arthur, Araba Evelyn. Environmental Racism. Shortfilm, Transmediale, Berlin (2009), https://transmediale.de/content/environmental-racism-discussed-by-araba-evelyn-johnston-arthur (accessed March 20, 2018).

Judah, Tim. The Serbs: History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, Yale University Press, 1997.

Jušić, Adela and Čmajčanin, Lana. I Will Never Talk About the War Again. Video performance, 2011.

Jušić, Adela. The Sniper. Single channel video, color/sound, 2007.

Kamerić, Šejla. Ab Uno Disce Omne. Installation, archival research, photographs and the website, 2015.

Kovačević-Jureša, Jelena, and Aneta Stojnić. 2016. “Denkmal Oder Mahnmal? Historization and Its Consequences: Debating the Political Articulation of a Traumatic Past.” Ed. Christel Stalpaert and Jozef De Vos. Documenta 34 (1): 148–169. Accessed on the 2.12.2021.

Kress, Claus. The International Court of justice and the elements of the crime of genocide. In: European Journal of International Law 18, no. 4 (2007): 619-629.

Kubelka, Peter. Unsere Afrikareise. Film, 13 min., 1961.

Legal-Miller, Althea. ’What kind of police do you call on the police?’: Police Sexual Brutality and the Usable Past for the Black Lives Matter Movement. In: Zoe Trodd, Karen Salt, Rosemary Pearce, and Timo Schrader (eds.), Black Lives Matter: The Past, Present, and Future of an International Movement for Rights and Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2018).

Levi, Pavle. Disintegration in Frames: Aesthetics and Ideology in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Cinema. Stanford University Press, 2007.

Lillie, Sophie. Feindliche Gewalten. Das Ringen um Gustav Klimts Beethovenfries. Vienna: Czernin-Verlag, 2018.

Lorenz, Dagmar. Post-Shoah Positions of Displacement in the Films of Ruth Beckermann. In: Austrian Studies (2003): 154–170.

Madley, Benjamin. From Africa to Auschwitz: How German South West Africa incubated ideas andm methods adopted and developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe. In: European History Quarterly 35, no. 3 (2005): 429–464.

Manoff, Marlene. Theories of the Archive from Across the Disciplines. In: Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2004): 9–25.

Marlin-Curiel, Stephanie. Truth and Consequences. Art in Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In: Richard Cándida Smith (ed.), Art and the Performance of Memory: Sounds and gestures of recollection. London: Routledge (2002): 37–62.

Rau, Milo and The International Institute of Political Murder. The Dark Ages. Theater, radioplay, book, exhibition, 2015; and The Congo Tribunal. Film, 2017.

Mbembe, Achille. On the Postcolony. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2001.

Mbembe, Achille. Necropolitics. In: Public Culture 15/1, Durham: Duke University, 2003.

Monaville, Pedro. A Distinctive Ugliness. In: Dietmar Rothermund (ed.), Memories of Post-Imperial Nations: The Aftermath of Decolonization, 1945–2013. Cambridge University Press (2015): 58–75.

Mosley, Philip. Split screen: Belgian cinema and cultural identity. SUNY Press, 2001.

Njall Soiresse, Kalvin. The Challenges Faced by Teachers that Need Teaching the General History of Africa and the Responsibilities of Politics and the Civic Society to meet these challenges. Colonial Memory Collective and Fight Against Discrimination (2017), http://www.bepax.org/event/journee-d-etude-actualites-de-notre-passe-colonial-memoires-enseignement-et-discriminations,0000884.html (accessed March 20, 2018).

Olsson, Göran. Concerning Violence. Documentary film, 2014.

Papić, Žarana. Europe after 1989: ethnic wars, the fascisation of social life and body politics in Serbia. In: Filozofski vesnik – The Body (Special Issue), ed. Marina Gržinić Mauhler. Ljubljana: Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU (2002): 191–205.

Quijano, Anibal. The Coloniality of Power and Social Classification. In: Journal of World Systems 6:2 (Summer/Fall) (2000): 342–386.

Petrović, Vladimir. Power (lessness) of Atrocity Images: Bijeljina Photos between Perpetration and Prosecution of War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia. In: International Journal of Transitional Justice, 9:3 (2015), 367–385.

Rabinovici, Doron. Eichmann’s Jews: The Jewish Administration of Holocaust Vienna, 1938-1945. Cambridge: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.

Rathkolb, Oliver. The Paradoxical Republic. Austria 1945-2005. New York: Berghahn Books, 2010

Rohde, David. The Betrayal and Fall of Srebrenica, Europe’s Worst Massacre Since World

War II. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997.

Rothberg, Michael. From Gaza to Warsaw: mapping multidirectional memory. In: Criticism 53, no. 4 (2011): 523-548.

Rothberg, Michael. WEB DuBois in Warsaw: Holocaust Memory and the Color Line, 1949-1952. In: The Yale Journal of Criticism 14, no. 1 (2001): 169–189.

Schmiedt. Marika. Sprache kommt vor der Tat. Zusammenhang von Sprache, Rassismus, Ökonomie und Macht. Vienna: ARTBRUT, 2018.

Schwartz, Joan M., and Cook, Terry. Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory. In: Archival science 2, no. 1-2 (2002): 1–19.

Silverman, Lisa. Repossessing the Past? Property, Memory and Austrian Jewish Narrative Histories. In: Austrian Studies (2003): 138–153.

Stanard, Matthew G. Selling the Congo: A history of European pro-empire propaganda and the making of Belgian imperialism. University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

Stoler, Ann. L. Colonial Aphasia: Race and Disabled Histories in France. In: Public Culture 23, no. 1 (2011): 121–156.

Teschler-Nicola, Maria. The Diagnostic Eye–On the History of Genetic and Racial Assessment in

Pre-1938 Austria. In: Collegium antropologicum 28, no. 2 (2004): 7–29.

Thompson, James. Performance Affects: Applied theatre and the end of effect, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Tilmans, Karin, Frank van Vree, and Jay Murray Winter (eds.). Performing the Past: Memory, History, and Identity in Modern Europe. Amsterdam University Press, 2010.

Tate, Shirley Anne. The Governmentality of Black Beauty Shame: Discourse, Iconicity and Resistance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

Uitz, Sophie. Question authority. Hannah Arendt und das Scheitern der Frage nach Autorität. In: Kohns et al. (eds.), Autorität – Krise, Konstruktion und Konjunktur. Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn (2016): 25–40.

Uitz, Sophie. Politik, Krise, Autorität: Hannah Arendt über die Begründung von Gemeinschaft. Doctoral thesis, University of Vienna, 2017.

Vanthemsche, Guy. The Historiography of Belgian Colonialism in the Congo. In: Csaba Lévai (ed.), Europe and the World in European Historiography. Pisa: Pisa University Press (2006): 89–119.

Wachsmuth, Arye and Sophie Lillie. Recollecting: Looted Art and Restitution. Installation on view at the Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) in Vienna, 2009.

Wekker, Gloria. White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.

Wodak, Ruth, Rudolf de Cillia, Martin Reisigl and Karin Liebhart. The Discursive Construction of National Identity. Edinburgh University Press, 2nd edition, 2009.

Wodak, Ruth, and Rudolf De Cillia. Commemorating the Past. The Discursive Construction of Official Narratives about the Rebirth of the Second Austrian Republic. In: Discourse & Communication 1 (August 2007): 337–363.

Wodak, Ruth. History in the making/The making of history: The ‘German Wehrmacht’ in collective and individual memories in Austria. In: Journal of Language and Politics 5, no. 1 (2006): 125–154.

Zaides, Arkadi. Archive. Performance, 2015.

Zangl, Veronica. Austria’s Post-89: Staging Suppressed Memory in Elfriede Jelinek’s and Thomas Bernhard’s Plays Burgtheater and Heldenplatz. In: European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics 30:1 (2013): 271–299.