Home Esther (Mayoko) Ortega

    Esther (Mayoko) Ortega


    Esther (Mayoko) Ortega

    Esther (Mayoko) Ortega, Ph.D., is a researcher, activist, and professor at the Tufts-Skidmore University in  Madrid. Her research focuses on Afrofeminism, science, technology, and society studies (STS), and critical reviews of race, gender, and dissident sexualities. She currently participates in the Afro-feminist Space – Conciencia-Afro, Matadero Madrid, Centre for Contemporary Creation.

    Date: 03/07/2019
    Place: t.i.c.t.a.c. – Space for Transfeminist Antiracist Critical Interventions, Barcelona

    Research, camera, editing: Tjaša Kancler